The Lands of Meeriad
The Lands of Meeriad

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The Lands of Meeriad - Dankton Continent - Zanardio
RE: Chris and John's house

John: *Comes to the bridge. He pulls out his MAC-10.* Nobody move! We're taking over this sub whether you fools like it or not!

*Three pirates run at him with swords.*

Pirate Captain HP - 120
Pirate 1 HP - 70
Pirate 2 HP - 70

*John pulls out an HE grenade and throws it at them.*

Pirate Captain HP - 80
Pirate 1 HP - 30
Pirate 2 HP - 30

*Pirate Captain attacks. 73 damage.*
John HP - 220
*Pirate 1 attacks with his sword. 32 damage.*
John HP - 188
*Pirate 2 attacks. 26 damage.*
John HP - 162
*John shoots them all with his MAC-10. 45 damage to all.*

Pirate Captain HP - 35
Pirate 1 was eliminated.
Pirate 2 was eliminated.

Pirate Captain: You'll pay for that! *Throws 6 knives at John. 2 miss, but the other four hit and do 12 damage each.*

John HP - 114

*John blasts the captain in the head with his DE. The pirate captain goes down.*

110 exp.
*End battle*

*The rest of the pirates run out, cowering. John takes a seat.*

John: Heh.

John Gibson

John Gibson
2nd In Command of SG&C

1/29/2002 2:28:58 PM

Level: 19
Experience: 31580

Total Posts: 442
RE: Chris and John's house

*comes in*
jake: good job
john: heh..thanks
jake: i went to the back and im transfering some power to the sky wolf..maybe we can get it running..
john: right..ill power this baby up *goes faster*
jake: it's working! ill run in the back and knock out the harpoon..let the sky wolf get in the and me will take sub back to shore
john: ok
jake; *comes back* alright, their airborne now
john: woo!
jake: this mission aint faar from over
john: what do you mean?
jake: i wanted to go back to sekhmet because i saw a pirate sneaking around my allys..i have a feeling they have a base there and all the drugs are going there..
john: maybe..lets turn the juice up *goes to maximum power*

Jake Conner
3rd in command of SG&C

1/29/2002 3:56:13 PM

Level: 19
Experience: 31340

Total Posts: 1088
RE: Chris and John's house

*The fly to Sekhmet*
*They land and borrow a Jeep*
*They drive around town*

Chris: Look, over there.
Jake: Thats him.
Chris: Ok. We'll tale him for awhile.

*The pirate goes into a shop*
(picture Mos Espa from Star Wars)
*Chris parks the car*
*They wait*
*A little while later he comes out*
*Chris starts the engine again*

Jake: He doesn't seem to be in to much of a hurry.
John: Ain't that the truth.
Chris: There. He's getting in that car.

*The car takes off towards the outskirts*
*Chris puts it in 4 wheel drive and follows on another rute*
Chris Storms
1st In Command of SG&C

1/29/2002 4:29:40 PM

Level: 20
Experience: 32580

Total Posts: 1382
RE: Chris and John's house

John: *Looking out the window. He can see the car through the trees.* He's going off on a side road.
Chris: We'll just have to blaze us a trail then. *Turns off the road and swerves in between trees, going quite fast.*
John: Uhh, Chris. Slow down.
Chris: No! *They burst out through some vines and Chris slows down. They can see the pirate's car down the road. Chris, getting impatient, speeds up some.*
Jake: He'll see us. Slow down.
Chris: Oh Well *Lets off the gas some. They can just barely see the car down the road.*
John: *Pulls out binoculars.* I don't think he sees us. He hasn't sped up.
Jake: Good.
Chris: Here's a side path. We'll go along it and speed up. I can't stand waiting back here.
John: OK.
Chris: *Turns and puts on the gas more. Soon enough, they're directly to the side of the pirate.* If we're lucky, he'll think we're just people leaving town.
John: *Gets his DE ready.*

John Gibson

John Gibson
2nd In Command of SG&C

1/29/2002 4:39:14 PM

Level: 19
Experience: 31580

Total Posts: 442
RE: Chris and John's house

jake: slow down a little so i can get aim *pulls out remington sr8*

Jake Conner
3rd in command of SG&C

1/29/2002 4:42:24 PM

Level: 19
Experience: 31340

Total Posts: 1088
RE: Chris and John's house

John: No, wait a minute. We want to see where he goes.

Archer Bio-Shell

1/29/2002 4:43:32 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
RE: Chris and John's house

Chris: Are you nuts! We don't wanna kill him!
Jake: Why not?
John: Their might be more. He might be leading us to another pirates place.
Jake: Ok.

*Jake puts away his SR-8*
*Chris slows down*

Jake: Why did you slow down?
Chris: He put on his turning signle.

*He turns off the road and goes onto a little dirt road*

Chris: Hold onto your butts.
Jake: Huh?
Chris: We're going for a wild ride.
John: You're not.
Chris: I am.
Jake: What!?
John: Hold onto somthing....tight...

*Jake grabs onto somthing*
*Chris turns towards the edge of the road*
*He drives off*
Chris Storms
1st In Command of SG&C

1/29/2002 4:53:19 PM

Level: 20
Experience: 32580

Total Posts: 1382
RE: Chris and John's house

jake: im too young to die!!!!!! im not..but still! Cry
chris:i hope this thing survives! *they land and continue driving*
john: woo hooo!!

Jake Conner
3rd in command of SG&C

1/29/2002 4:59:23 PM

Level: 19
Experience: 31340

Total Posts: 1088
RE: Chris and John's house

John: But the bad news is... the car is gone.
Jake: Sigh
Chris: *Keeps going.* You have binoculars, man! Use 'em!
John: Oh yeah. *Looks through the binoculars. He can see the pirate's car speeding down the road.* He saw us.
Chris: Great! *Starts going as fast as the jeep can go.*
John: *Wind blowing hard through his hair. He squints to keep it from blowing too hard in his eyes.* Yeehaw!
Chris: *Soon catches up with the pirate. He yells over the wind.* Jake, get on his car!
Jake: You got it. *Climbs out onto the hood and jumps over to the pirate's car.* Hey there! *Pulls out gun.* Now you just keep going, mister, and you won't get hurt.
John: Looks like he has it handled.

Archer Bio-Shell

1/29/2002 5:04:30 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
RE: Chris and John's house

jake: c'mon..go riiight where you waz going..or ill shoot *puts away DE* *pulls out M-16* WOO!

Jake Conner
3rd in command of SG&C

1/29/2002 5:08:20 PM

Level: 19
Experience: 31340

Total Posts: 1088
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The Lands of Meeriad - RE: Chris and John's house

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