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The Lands of Meeriad - Entertainment
Why didn't anybody tell me... (Battlestar Galactica) (SPOILERS?! NAW!)

that they're using Beretta Cx4s aboard the Galactica now? I'm gonna start watching.
Archer Bio-Shell

7/16/2005 12:38:49 PM

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RE: Why didn't anybody tell me... (Battlestar Galactica)

Woah... They are? Happy Dead
Jonathan Katarn
7/21/2005 1:38:06 PM

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RE: Why didn't anybody tell me... (Battlestar Galactica)

Actually, I think I read that the group that crashed on some planet (I barely know anything about the show, but I did see them crash) are using Cx4s, not on board the Galactica.

I guess they're still using suppressed P90s ON BOARD the Galactica. Also, surprisingly, the Cx4s are unmodified, other than rails, which I THINK I heard they have Aimpoints or some other kind of red dot sight mounted on.
Archer Bio-Shell

7/21/2005 1:51:47 PM

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Total Posts: 1308
RE: Why didn't anybody tell me... (Battlestar Galactica)

Yeah, I saw one on Friday... (The crashed crew had them.)

I looked all over onboard galactica and didn't see one... So, it's got to only be that one place...

Funny how they're still using present day guns... Happy Dead
Jonathan Katarn
7/24/2005 9:05:30 PM

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Total Posts: 262
RE: Why didn't anybody tell me... (Battlestar Galactica)

Actually, they were ALL OVER Galactica. I watched too. The barrels are chopped down (if I had to guess, I'd say somewhere around 12 inches) and have BIG OL' flash suppressors on 'em. They also have flashlights (front right side rail) and Aimpoints (top rail).

I only saw like two P90s. The rest were Cx4s. Most of the guys that were hunting the Cylons on the Galactica had them. The ones that had pistols had Five-Sevens with some kind of weird (most likely doesn't really exist) grenade-launcher-esque things on the underbarrel rails that they were using to shoot the explosive rounds.
Archer Bio-Shell

7/24/2005 9:13:54 PM

Level: 1
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Total Posts: 1308
RE: Why didn't anybody tell me... (Battlestar Galactica)

Awesome... Happy Dead

Must be I didn't recognize them because of all the things they had on them...... and most of that segment was really dark.
I should have still recognized the stock... Oh well...
Jonathan Katarn
7/25/2005 3:11:53 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 176

Total Posts: 262
The Lands of Meeriad - Why didn't anybody tell me... (Battlestar Galactica) (SPOILERS?! NAW!)

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