The Lands of Meeriad
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The Lands of Meeriad - Talk
Gosh, I'm stupid.

Y'all can have as many characters as you want.

It doesn't matter. Heck, I have five characters. I don't know how I ever let myself do that, but I have Terenn Blackfield, John Gibson, Megan Kirate (basically mine, since I pretty much decide on any kind of character development regarding her, even though she was supposed to be a character for all members of SG&C to use), Jango Ibonek (same as Megan), and Stan Winchester.

Just don't go overboard. By overboard, I mean an army of elite soldiers with MP5s that go around and kill everybody.

EDIT: Upon further inspection, I've apparently already decided this. It doesn't seem to say anywhere you're only allowed to have two characters, even though I know that used to be a rule. Huh?
Archer Bio-Shell

7/4/2005 9:08:53 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
RE: Gosh, I'm stupid.

*Creates an army of elite soldiers with MP5s that go around and kill everybody.*
Jonathan Katarn
7/4/2005 9:28:31 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 176

Total Posts: 262
RE: Gosh, I'm stupid.

Can you acually do that?*kills all of the elite soldiers and runs*

Call 458-3829
7/4/2005 9:54:20 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 50
The Lands of Meeriad - Gosh, I'm stupid.

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