The Lands of Meeriad
The Lands of Meeriad

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Kahlan Seinar

Name: Kahlan Seinar

Age: 22

Race: Shapeshifter - Elf - Humanoid Cat

Class: Archer

Weapon: Hunters Bow

Gender: Female

Spells: None.

Description: Kahlan Seinar has bluish black hair that goes down to her shoulders. Her eye color is a darkblue color. She wears a blouse that is darkblue in color, and pants that are the same in color. In her humanoid cat form, her fur color is a white color, her eyes still the same color as in her human form.

History: Kahlan Seinar was born as a shapeshifter and an elf, as one of her parents had been a shapeshifter, the other an elf, thereby giving her the appearance she has to this day. Her parents also were merchants in the town they lived in.
Kahlan Seinar
6/5/2005 4:25:24 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1
RE: Kahlan Seinar


Jake Conner
3rd in command of SG&C

6/5/2005 4:28:41 PM

Level: 19
Experience: 31340

Total Posts: 1088
RE: Kahlan Seinar

History is a little short. Could use a little addition, but it's not that big of a deal.

ETA: Oh yeah, and welcome. Grin

Archer Bio-Shell

6/5/2005 4:32:49 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
The Lands of Meeriad - Kahlan Seinar

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This site owned by Stasis Wolf McDog.
This site was (sadly) created and is not maintained very well by Wolf McDog.