The Lands of Meeriad
The Lands of Meeriad

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Kugo Nagasaki

Name: Kugo Nagasaki
Age: 20
Race: Human
Class: Black Mage
Weapon: Wooden Rod
Gender: Male
Spells: Flare, Gust
Description: Wears a large, pointy hat with a blue robe to hide his pale skin from everyone
History: Kugo was banished from his home when he accidentally destroyed the central government. Ever since he has been roaming the land. He is skilled in black magic.
Black Mage
8/18/2004 11:52:01 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 168

Total Posts: 15
RE: Kugo Nagasaki

Thank god you didn't try to explain all the history for your DBZ character named Kugo... no one but me would understand any of it.

I've got my (gun) sights set on you.
Howling Wind Agent
(Cause I put it here!)

Not Immortal
8/19/2004 2:47:44 AM

Level: 11
Experience: 7588

Total Posts: 266
RE: Kugo Nagasaki

I don't believe it.

A new person actually posting? Blink

Welcome, Kugo. Your profile is approved.

Archer Bio-Shell

8/19/2004 11:32:28 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
The Lands of Meeriad - Kugo Nagasaki

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This site owned by Stasis Wolf McDog.
This site was (sadly) created and is not maintained very well by Wolf McDog.