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The Lands of Meeriad - Dankton Continent - Callice |
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Bank Robbery Number 2 Four men enter a large bank in Callice, one at a time. They don't look suspicious save for their long coats. They each take places close to the guards in the building. One of them coughs, and it begins. They all put on balaclavas, knock out the guard nearest them, and produce MP5A5s with C-mags from under their coats. Thief: Everybody get down and DON'T MOVE! Everybody screams. Thief: We don't want to hurt anybody. We're here for the money. One of the other thieves takes the vault keys from one of the attendants and enters the vault, large duffel bag over his shoulder. A man in the lobby stands up and pulls out his pistol. He takes aim. The three thieves almost instantly aim at his head. Thief: PUT THE GUN DOWN!! The man stands still, looking around. His gun is pointed at one of the thieves. Thief: PUT THE SLAGGING GUN DOWN OR YOU'RE GOING TO DIE! Every single person in the bank then stands up, draws their guns, and blows away the thieves. The thief that went into the vault is about to exit when a round object rolls into the vault and he stares at it. Thief: What the...? It explodes. | Stasis Archer Bio-Shell Archer Banned (Spamming) Immortal 8/8/2004 2:32:07 PM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 1308 |
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