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The Lands of Meeriad - Talk |
Comment | Author |
Guess what. WOLF'S BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW! HE'LL BE 37! LET'S ALL GIVE HIM A HAND... AND TELL HIM HE'S... OVER THE HILL!!!!!!!!!!! | Stasis Archer Bio-Shell Archer Banned (Spamming) Immortal 9/19/2003 9:22:16 PM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 1308 |
RE: Guess what. *Gives him a hand.* You're OVER THE HILL!! Check these out. In 1024x768 and 800x600. | Wolf McDog The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force. I'm a random monster... and the most powerful boss! I find your lack of faith disturbing. Monster--Opened for Random Access Strikes: 40 Banned (For being an idiot and talking about Fight Club, but mainly for having an unpopular opinion.) Immortal 9/20/2003 12:31:20 AM Level: 85 Experience: 2500627 Total Posts: 366 |
RE: Guess what. Uhm. Since when is 37 over the hill? Most people say it is 40. Quite a few say 50. I have heard it being as low as 30 though. So... [not quite] OVER THE HILL!! | Chris Storms 1st In Command of SG&C Mercenary Immortal 9/22/2003 9:25:00 AM Level: 20 Experience: 32580 Total Posts: 1382 |
Guess what. MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW! I'LL BE 351! LET'S ALL GIVE ME A HAND... AND TELL ME I'VE GONE... OVER WAY TOO MANY HILLS!!!!!!!!!!! | Stasis Archer Bio-Shell Archer Banned (Spamming) Immortal 9/22/2003 9:21:34 PM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 1308 |
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