The Lands of Meeriad
The Lands of Meeriad

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Malik Ishtar

Name: Malik Ishtar
Age: 18
Race: Shape Shifter
Class: Black Mage
Weapons: Dagger
Gender: Male
Spell: Wave; Flare; Gust
Description: 5/9, white hair and dark skin. Wears normal street clothes normally but in missions wears a black long pant and long sleeved shirt out fit. also has his face covered so enemys can't recagnise him. (They must be really dumb.)
History: A warrior from another land. He was exilde after blowing up half of the capitle city. (No causialties)

I am the king of duelist
The King of Games
2/13/2003 6:17:47 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 6
RE: Malik Ishtar

Another land? Huh?

John Gibson

John Gibson
2nd In Command of SG&C

2/14/2003 8:41:42 AM

Level: 19
Experience: 31580

Total Posts: 442
The Lands of Meeriad - Malik Ishtar

The Lands of Meeriad © 2001-2007 Stasis Wolf McDog. All rights reserved.
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This site owned by Stasis Wolf McDog.
This site was (sadly) created and is not maintained very well by Wolf McDog.