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The Lands of Meeriad - Entertainment |
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Just a bean trying to get some sleep... To some, he's a living legend. To others, he's a killer. Anybody else heard of the Killer Bean? It's coooooooool. You can check it out at The first one isn't so great, but definately check out The Killer Bean 2. | Stasis Archer Bio-Shell Archer Banned (Spamming) Immortal 4/6/2002 12:59:01 AM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 1308 |
RE: Just a bean trying to get some sleep... It is cooool! I've seen it before. It is just......awsome.... | Chris Storms 1st In Command of SG&C Mercenary Immortal 4/6/2002 7:41:13 AM Level: 20 Experience: 32580 Total Posts: 1382 |
RE: Just a bean trying to get some sleep... the killer bean? | Jake Conner 3rd in command of SG&C Mercenary Immortal 4/6/2002 10:15:01 AM Level: 19 Experience: 31340 Total Posts: 1088 |
RE: Just a bean trying to get some sleep... Yeah. It is cool. It is sorta a rip off of the IS a rip off of the matrix... Numb 3 looks even cooler | Chris Storms 1st In Command of SG&C Mercenary Immortal 4/6/2002 10:40:22 AM Level: 20 Experience: 32580 Total Posts: 1382 |
RE: Just a bean trying to get some sleep... Actually, Jeff says it's more like a ripoff of John Woo movies, and John Woo had some influence on the Matrix. | Stasis Archer Bio-Shell Archer Banned (Spamming) Immortal 4/7/2002 4:33:31 PM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 1308 |
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