The Lands of Meeriad
The Lands of Meeriad

The End of the World has been averted! Dang, we rock!
See what happened on Dankton.
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The Lands of Meeriad - Dankton Continent - Zanardio
RE: A phone

Chris: Ha. *Puts the HK69 in long range mode and fires a grenade into the chopper. BOOM! The chopper goes down and Nick PROBABLY dies... From either the explosion or the impact.*
John: Bored Good job, Chris!
Zombie Legions: *All fall down and die.*
Chris: Wow. That was easy enough.

Archer Bio-Shell

1/25/2002 8:43:02 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
RE: A phone

jake: too easy...i have a feeling now that he's dead his lackies will be after us..well..lets go get our cash and exp..
chris: right

Jake Conner
3rd in command of SG&C

1/25/2002 8:45:04 PM

Level: 19
Experience: 31340

Total Posts: 1088
RE: A phone

*They get an airship and fly to Callice, and the government center. They land.*
Trio: *Stride in proudly.*
Chris: We've stopped the zombie legions and, *ahem* disposed of Nick Jackson.
SWAT team: *Run down the hall.* Good work men! That's why yer the best!
Trio: Huh?
SWAT team: *Throw hundreds of bags of money at them* KEEP THE FRAGGIN' CHANGE!!!!!!!

Archer Bio-Shell

1/25/2002 8:53:58 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 1308
RE: A phone

Super Grin
jake: and look on the bright side..we still have acid bullets

Jake Conner
3rd in command of SG&C

1/25/2002 9:17:11 PM

Level: 19
Experience: 31340

Total Posts: 1088
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The Lands of Meeriad - RE: A phone

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