The Lands of Meeriad
The Lands of Meeriad

The End of the World has been averted! Dang, we rock!
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The Lands of Meeriad - Art
The Pairings Project

Do not hold me responsible for incorrectly spelled words, typos or anything else!

Chapter 1   ~Sunday, June 1, 2202
“The world has reached a point of moral deterioration that two hundred years ago no one could imagine. One in ten marriages last for fifteen months. Something must be done.”

“I sympathize with your feelings, but I don’t know of an appropate cours of action. That is why the Senator and I called this meeting.” Czar Ashel al Ousmed  and Senator Alma Lee Silvers co-governed the world of Earth. The Senator was Earth’s representative in the LUSS (League of United Star Systems), and controlled experiments, scientist and any thing dealing with change. The Czar  dealt with the day to day business and government.

Wile admiring the decor of the room the psychologist, Samuel de Pugh continued to press his case.“I am at my wits end. If a solution is not found our society is Hopeless. Marriage counseling has stopped working in most cases. We need help!” He slamed is fist on the desk

“Sir such outburst are unnessary, if you will just
explain you findings.”

“ Of cours, i apoligise. If people entering in a matrimonial union have no intention of staying together nothing will help. The will be the same neither of them have ever remained loyal in a relationship.”

“I would like to find out if other worlds had this problem.” Dr. de Pugh considered the Czar’s statement. Earth was so far behind all the other worlds that is was possible, but it would be many years in their past. Dr. de Pugh studied the Czar. I wonder what he is getting at? How could this benefit Earth? Is there any way to reverse the situation? His thoughts wondered away from the matter at hand. The room had an unique color of paint, a creamy red-brown. Thought it was an off tone it was quite attractive. It Set off the deep Cherry wood desk, and the brown leather chairs. Hanging on one wall was a painting of a quaint little village. Some how it was soothing to a restless spirit.

"Gentlemen, Sorry I’m late. There was a pressing matter from the Lunar Minor System. Don’t worry all was taken care of. Please sit down.” Senator Silvers sat behind her desk and began pulling up information on her computer. She was attractive with shoulder length hair. It's color was any where from sandy blond to silver to light brown. She had a slim, but full figure, and excellent manners.

“Not to worry, your absence wasn’t noticed as we were attempting to find ways to solve the problem at hand. I wonder if any other worlds have suffered from this same malady.” The Czar turned to Dr. de Pugh who had been considering this.

Before he could say anything the Senator asked, “Dr. de Pugh do you have any thoughts on this?”

“I believe that if any other worlds had this problem it was centuries ago. Most of them are so much older than us, that it couldn’t have been recent.”

Senator Alma folded her hands. “I was recently contacted by a world that was faced with the same issue. They spent many years, and enormous amounts of money trying to find a solution. I was given the information, and have studded it closely. I believe it will work. It will be a very controversial issue. Before you comment i will forewarn you that to implement, even a test plan, will cost millions of dollars.”

“Before I give any professional advise I would like to know what the plan or system is,” Dr. de Pugh said carefully. Czar Ashel nodded in agreement

“This program is was invented by the Lunar Major System. They discover it about two centuries ago when their planet was going through a crisis similar to ours. The program, called the Pairings works by having all children, at the age of six months, analyzed by a super computer. They are then paired with their mate, the other half of their personality. They grow up doing everything together. Everything. They bathe together, sleep, eat, and live. They go to special schools that are set up for the pairs. They take the same classes, help each other, and test together. Lunar Major has been using this system successfully for two hundred years. Dr. de Pugh, what do you think?”

“I think it sounds like a wonderful plan and should be implemented immediately. If you have a file I could study I might find a few ways to adapt it to Earth.”
“Here are two files on it.” Senator Alma laid two disks on her desk. “Czar Ashel, if you will stay we may being planning. Dr. de Pugh we are very appreciated of your advice. I honestly don’t know if we could have made this monumental decision by our selves. Pleas contact ether the Czar or myself if you have any concerns or advice. Thank you for coming today.” The Senator and Czar shook his hand and said fair wells.
Senator Alma sat down with an sigh. I don’t know why, but I really don’t like him. However I do think he gave sound advice. Time to think dollars and  cents. “Ashel, how much money do you think we have to play with?”

"Honestly or hopefully?” She rolled her eyes. “I honestly think we have about one to one and a half billion. Hope would say two billion, but I think that would be stretching it.”

“Thanks, let’s get down to planning. I’ll write the nesary letters later.”

* * * * * * *

Ashel tiredly yanked. He had the most attractive mouth. “Let me finish this list, and then we can go to lunch.”

Alma’s thought continued as she read off the totals. “Sixty pairing houses, three  three story apartment complexes, . . .” Thick wavy hair, chiseled features, and eyes you could get lost in. All in all he’s drop dead gorgeous. She melted into thought, then was abruptly jolted out. Is this a crush, and after all these years - and my husband’s death? The way I just want to fall into his arms, kiss him good bye, an know I'll miss him when we aren’t together? Yup, here mind teased, you’ve got a crush on him just like when you were a kid and met George, your former husband.

“Alma, Alma Lee!” Ashel’s concerned face penetrated her day dreaming mind. “Alma, are you alright? Do you need a doctor?” He began muttering to himself. "Maybe I should just take you to M.U. (Medical Unit). No, no that would be hasty. Alma please answer me!”

“I’m fine. I don’t need any medical attention.”

“Then would you mind explaining what you were doing? You almost gave me a heart attack!” She believed it. He looked fit to be tied.

“I was day dreaming.”
“You can’t do that to me! My wife died that way. She just stared off into oblivion until she stopped occupying her body. I believe she's still out there

Alma touched his arm. “I’m sorry. I just- kinda forgot myself for a minit. I promise I  won’t do it again. Okay?”

“Only if you’ll do me one thing.” He asked mysteriously

“What’s that?” Ashel’s dashing smile made her want to melt.

“Go home and rest. I’ll finish this and send you the information. ASAP.” Ashel saw her hesitate, “NO buts. Now go.” She obediently gathered her things and left. Ashel sat down to finish the finances and totals. I wish I'd Made her go to the MU (medical unit).

When Alma arived home she fould the Pairings report waiting for her in her study. She stared at the numbers. They were astromincal. I wonder if I could get some scientest from Lunar Major to come help set this up. They must have some that want to relocate to another planit. They could help us set the houses, school rooms and how to run the program.

“Madam, you have a live holagraphic message for the Prime Minister of Lunar Major. Would you like me to to transfer it to this screan?” asked Amy, part of the house staff. She worked in the technal department.

“Yes, thank you Amy.” Amy when over to the control panel and pulled up the message. The screan flickered to life.

“Senator, I hope you will excuse the interruption, but I wanted to see what the reaction to the Pairings system was,” the Prime Minister stated.

“No harm done. In fact I was just thinking about you.”

“I hope they were good thought.” He said with humor.

Alma laughed, “Of the best sort assure you. We have decided to use the Pairings system.”

“Wonderful! Absolutle Wonderful! Would you like some scientest? I have five hundred extra that I don’t know what to do with them. We don’t have that many avaiable positions,” he blurede out.

“Why sir I’m astonished. I was just wondering if you had any aviable scientest. Wold it be possible if they started ariving in about a week? I would like for them to be involved in the desining of the facilities that we will be using unit we can get the entire world over to this system. That will probile take fifty or  sixty years.” Alma finished in a rush.

“Yes, if will be great if they can start leaving in about a week. I’ll send the first few group on of my ships. I know of several that will enjoy working with the desines. Some specilize in adapting this program to differnt places. I will send them and the designers on the first ship. They should get there in four days. Do you have any questions?”

“I will sent some ships A.S.A.P. Could you have it explained to them that this is a different place and thing may be done differently? How many of them will be fresh from school? Have any of them gone off world, on a job before? Will some of the scientest be paired?” The Senator realed off.

“Thank you for the ships. I will personaly explain that there may be some differences. Some where around half will be fresh from school. All of them will be trained in multpuil field of instrest, so they will be useful while the system is getting set up. They will also come with computer programs that will keep them in practice with there skills while they are not using them. Yes, about one third of them have gone off would, on jobs before. And finally all of them will be paired. Not all of them are paired with some one their same age. But we have never had a person that we couldn’t pair.”

“This sounds wonderful. I thank you for your help. please get in tutch if you ever need any thing.”Alma heard the door bell chim. “If you will excuse me I must go.”

“Of course,” he said eliquantly. “I thank you for this great gift for our world.” He bowed one more time before the holigram ended.  
“Pleases come in,” the butler stated. “ One moment, let me see if my Lady is aviable.” She could just see her stiff butler, Jennings,  showing him in with a curt bow. Alma heard his shoes taping the floor as he walked. The door opeaned and she was asked, “Will you see Dr. Samual de Pught? He awaights your answer in the hall.” Jennings awaighted an answer.

“Yes, Please show him into the libary. I’ll joun him there. Jennings will you please bring some tea?”

“Yes mama,” he responeded. Jennings had a crocked nose, bulging muscels, and a rought boy attitude. He had formaly been  a boxer, but now worked as a butler. During his last match five years ago he sustained a blow to the head. He won the match but was told that to contenu with this carier could result in death if he sustained another hard blow to the head. He contaced her due to a long stand offer as a butler in her house hold. She could use the ectra protection, and he could provide it. He had woneded if she could find a position for him. She offered him a job as head secutity guard and butler. Not long after he sighned the contract she stared receaving threat letter. Jennings hunted down the sender and put a perment stop to it.

Alma seated herself on the love seat, carful to take up all the room with her skirt. Jennigns showed Dr. de Pugh in and went for tea. Alma decided against standing. “Dr. de Pugh, please sit down. I trust you bear only good tidings.”

“Yes I do, Senator Alma. We have found one thousand children avaible to for a test group, and move ariving every day.” He gave her a sly smile tht hinted at dirty secrets. “We can pair them up in a temporary location in one week. they can be moved to the perment faclities as soon as they are finished. I have also arranged for all children ages ten and under to be paired and prepaired for the next stages of pairing. What ever they may be for that age group.”  

“Go on.”

“I also have started several groups in screaning all the unattached people, age thirty and under on our world. We will pair them and start them on their relationship. This will help the transition to the Pairings system. We also have a facility to keep and pair all children, and teenagers. Another facility has been set of for children ages 1-8. And we alread have a started collecting the children under one, and above six months. The computers are up and running. They have already stared pairing people. We need more people, espically specelist. Somewhere around five hundred. We will also need to asure that the pairings children are trainded for a carear.”

“Dr., I bealive we are in luck. Luner Minor has about five hundred extra scientes. They are all paired, actually, all of the people can be used in the pairings project. The first group will arive in four days. Some wish to be invalved in designing the facilities, wich are to be state of the art. All of them have maltipul deregeas. They also come with the trianing, and equiptent to train others and keep in paractice the skills they aren’t using. I bealieve you know we can not pair children until they are six monthes old because their brains have not developed enough. Please make sure that the test group is of age, and pair them, and begin the bonding process. The first facility whould be done in seven months. Until then we have found different places to house them and the staff. I do bealive that the building commity will be meeting tomorrow afternoon.  You will be there.”  Her voice told that it was a comand not a request. The Senator stood up, “Thank you for your time.”

Dr. De Pugh stood up and bowed. “I”m honored to be working with you.” He turned aroud and walked out. Alma head the butler close the door, and collaped back into the love seat. mumbling under her breath.
* * *  *  *  *  *

“I need a place for the first site.”
Nothing more could be done for till a site for the first Pairings Project center was picked out. she had no idea where to put a site. it needed to be sucluded, out of the way, in a area with a low population dinsity, and a place where they could later expand. They also needed to have unbreachable sucerty, and a place where, if the town’s people were on their side would be unaprochable unless drastic measurs were taken.

Senator Silvers spun her chair around and stared at the picture on the wall behind her desk.  Her mind drifted as the picture soothed her restless spirit.

Utopia, the town in the picture, was beautiful.  The picture was...  was... exatly the area the site should be in! In fact, she was going to use that town and the suranding area. She studied the picture for another moment before turing to her desk. The senator proptly sent out exclams to the building commity telling them what area has been picked for the first site, and some information on the site. She checked her watch, two hours until the meeting. Just enought time for a relaxation treetment. Luckey I have the equiptment for it, or I would never get one! Senator Silvers laughed before leaving the room.
Black Mage
9/28/2004 9:20:07 PM

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Experience: 140

Total Posts: 50
The Lands of Meeriad - The Pairings Project

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