The Lands of Meeriad
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The Lands of Meeriad - Gaming

I can't be the only person who wanted to play this... I know that Clint likes(d?) games like this.  I bought it yesterday, it's great.  You run around and hack up enemies with your sword.  Then you get on a dragon and burn enemies.  Then you have the option of mounting and dismounting your dragon int he middle of battle... its is just extremely fun.

Fire!!! FIRE!!!!! AHAHAAAA!!!!
Not Banned

3/31/2004 12:33:10 PM

Level: 3
Experience: 568

Total Posts: 219
RE: Drakengard

Drakengard reminds me of Dynasty Warriors. Lots of little packets of faceless soldiers EVERYWHERE.
There was one mission that was in a large field that had over 1500 soldiers there.
It was long, and very boring. The flying missions are fun, though.

Real Ultimate Walrus
Walruser than expected
Not walrusy enough

4/5/2004 8:07:14 AM

Level: 79
Experience: 2000027

Total Posts: 221
RE: Drakengard

i don't like the flying missions so much... but thats probably because my dragon is very weak.  the endless slashing does get kind of boring, but thats why you mount the dragon and burn them all.  keeps it interesting.

I've got my (gun) sights set on you.
Howling Wind Agent
(Cause I put it here!)

Not Immortal
4/6/2004 6:37:19 PM

Level: 11
Experience: 7588

Total Posts: 266
The Lands of Meeriad - Drakengard

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