The Lands of Meeriad
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Jango Ibonek

First Name: Jango Ibonek
Class: Co-pilot
Age: 26
Weight: 184 lbs.
Height: 5'11
Weapon: IG88 Blaster
Best Weapon: IG88 Blaster
Gender: Male
Spells: None
HP: 460
MP: 0
Level: 18
Experince: 24500
Description: He's a white human co-pilot. Brown hair, cream colored pants, tunic, loves Mark Knopfler.
Profile: Jango was born and raised in Mesania. When he was 18 years old, he met Jones Laggut, who was running from the Mafia. They became good friends and Jango eventually became the co-pilot of Jones's airship, the Sky Wolf. After making some slight modifications, they were ready to actually live in the airship.
Then, when Jango was 26, he and Jones met Chris, John, and Jake. They helped get the Mafia off of their butts and Jones gave the Sky Wolf to them, since he didn't need it anymore. Jango is still the co-pilot and member of SG&C, and gets some of the pay from their missions.

Storms Gibson & Conner
"You get a shiver in the dark, it's-a rainin' in the park and meantime..."

Jango Ibonek
SG&C co-pilot

3/8/2002 8:42:49 PM

Level: 18
Experience: 24500

Total Posts: 8
The Lands of Meeriad - Jango Ibonek

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