The Lands of Meeriad
The Lands of Meeriad

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The Lands of Meeriad - Dankton Continent - Wyndor
RE: Swamp Lands

*Suddenly, the very ground they were standing on begins to quake*
Gunner: Whoa, what the...?
Gorath: AAAAHH!!  Its a tornado!!
Gunner: You mean earthquake?
Gorath: Yea, thats what I said.
Gunner: Huh?
Gorath: Don't look at me in that tone of voice!
Gunner: Huh? You really are insane.
*When the shaking stops, Gunner goes to check the entrance*
Gunner: AAAHH!! It caved in!  Now we're going to have to find another way out of here...

I've got my (gun) sights set on you.
Howling Wind Agent
(Cause I put it here!)

Not Immortal
3/5/2002 5:46:37 PM

Level: 11
Experience: 7588

Total Posts: 266
RE: Swamp Lands

Gorath: You mean we are stuck in here with snake thingies!? This is the worst thing that's ever happened to me in my life! Uh, except that time I had to pee in a trashcan in front of my entire class... This slags!
Gunner: Well, complaining wont help, and I dont think blasting our way out is an option.
Gorath: I'll run through the cave and look for light, there must be a way out!
Gunner: Uh, how are you going to run around the cave in the dark?
Gorath: Why do you think I would be looking for light in the first place?
Gunner: Ugh Just go!

*They stumble through the cave with their torches running low, checking all of the side passages*

Gorath: Man this place is dark! I hope their is something to eat in here or we might be in this cave for days!
Gunner: Don't say that, I hate caves. The last thing I need in my life is to be in a cave full of snakes for a week.
Gorath: Yeah, especially since it smells like sh--my torch went out!
Gunner: What!? These torches are cheap! Mines almost out too... well, Gorath, nice knowing you.
Gorath: What? Why do you say that?
Gunner: Vipers like the dark a LOT, if this torch goes out... we're snake meat.
Gorath: And you're afraid of the dark? Sheesh! You're more of a wimp than I thought!
Gunner: Did you hear me? If this torch goes out we are going to die!!
Gorath: Dont worry! I've got this under control, I know how to make napalm that we can put on that torch, it will burn for days!
Gunner: Really!? What do we need?
Gorath: Just a little styrofome and gasoline, and it happens that I have some gasoline right here! *shows him a flask in his pocket*
Gunner: Great! Got any styrofome?
Gorath: Uh... weeell... kind of.
Gunner: What do you mean kind of? Do you or dont you?

*Gorath shows him a handfull of styrophome packing peanuts*

Gunner: That's all you have!? That will only last us an hour!
Gorath: No, no, it will last an hour and a half!
Gunner: *sigh*... Well, it's better than nothing... slap it on there.

*they mix it together and throw it on the torch*

Gorath: Now let's find our way out of here fast!

If it hurts, it means you're still alive
Gun Expert/Howling Wind Agent

3/5/2002 7:50:12 PM

Level: 7
Experience: 2188

Total Posts: 263
RE: Swamp Lands

*They run around the cave very quickly and nervously for about an hour*

Gunner: *Breathing heavily* That's it... I can't go any further... You'll have to find your way out without me.
Gorath: I'm not leaving you behind, *pant* just because you are worn out doesn't justify *pant* me letting you get eaten alive by *pant* snakes!
Gunner: Then you'll have to carry me.
Gorath: I'm too tired.
Gunner: I'm slagged...
Gorath: I just realized... I cant feel my legs... I can touch them and stuff but I cant tell they are there, I cant go any further! *pant* *pant*
Gunner: ...
Gorath: ...

*A half hour goes by and they start a conversation of what may be the last memories of their life*

Gorath: Hey! And remember that time we broke into that bar and stole all of those kegs, and then it turned out that they were empty, but I spent the night in jail anyway?
Gunner: Yeah, that was great. Remember that time we turned over that Brian dude for money? And then he got out and got hit by a SWAT van that Kane was driving
Gorath: Yeah! That was fun. Remember that time we got kidnapped and I drove that semi through a building to get away?
Gunner: No, you did that with Scorcher.
Gorath: Oh, yeah... *acting stupid* I'm scared, hold me.
Gunner: Shut up! I want to enjoy the last minutes of my life... Well, here goes the last of our light. I hope the snakes eat you first...
Gorath: There it goes, stupid torch... this slags.

*The torch puffs out and crumbles in ashes, but there is still a little bit of light in the room*

Gorath: Any minute now the snakes will come running in here and tearing at my legs-
Gunner: -Dude! It's still light in here!
Gorath: - or maybe they'll start on my head first, or else that would really hurt, I - Wait! It's still light! Woohoo!

*They look up and see a small hole in the cealing that they never saw before where the ground is very thin*

Gunner: We're saved!
Gorath: I cant wait to get the heck out of this stupid cave! If I was in here for another minute I would've shot myself!
Gunner: If we were in here for another minute I would've done it for you!

*there are movements down the tunnel and screeching noises*

Gunner: Wide Eyes Vipers!
Gorath: Bring it on!


If it hurts, it means you're still alive
Gun Expert/Howling Wind Agent

3/5/2002 8:54:14 PM

Level: 7
Experience: 2188

Total Posts: 263
RE: Swamp Lands

*19 vipers, 25 hp each*
Gorath: I will avenge the cows!!
*Gunner shoots a viper in the head with his D.E., kills it*
*Gorath shoots at 3 with his M16, 2 kills, other takes 18 damage*
*The vipers continue to come towards them*

15 vipers=25
1 viper=7

Gunner: I need heavier firepower! *pulls out Franchi SPAS .12 from his trenchcoat*
Gorath: You had one of those the whole time and didn't tell me!?
Gunner: I bought it with the money we got from that statue.

*Gunner shoots his shotgun, spread hits two vipers, killing both*
*Gorath shoots with his M16 again, hits three vipers, kills all three, including the damaged in the first turn*
*2 vipers reach them, both bite Gorath for 20 damage (poisoned)*

11 vipers=25

Gunner: Haha!  This is easy!
Gorath: *stomps one the attacking vipers head flat, kills it* I HATE these things!

*Gunner shoots his Franchi again, spread hits three vipers, kills them all*
*Gorath stomps the other viper's head, kills it, then shoots with his M16, hits 2, kills both*
*vipers stop in their tracks, and flare up their eyes, in an attempt to hypnotize Gunner and Gorath.  (this only works on small prey for vipers, so Gunner and Gorath are unaffected)*
Gorath -5 hp from poison

6 vipers=25

Gorath: They stopped...
Gunner: Yea, weird...
Gorath: Let's stomp their heads flat!!

*Gunner and Gorath proceed with stomping on the snakes heads.  The snakes don't react, they are still trying to hypnotize them.  all vipers are killed*

Gorath: Ah, I hate those things so much.  Now, for a way out...

*A gant Viper (600 hp) comes into the room*

Gunner: Not again!

*Giant Viper flares out it's eyes, hypnotizing Gunner*

Gorath: Dude, c'mon, we gotta get out of here!!
Gunner:.... *stares into the snakes eyes*
Gorath: Slag. *aims M16 at giant viper*

I've got my (gun) sights set on you.
Howling Wind Agent
(Cause I put it here!)

Not Immortal
3/7/2002 5:14:56 PM

Level: 11
Experience: 7588

Total Posts: 266
RE: Swamp Lands

Gorath: Ugh! What am I thinking!? *puts away M16* I'll save you Gunner!

*Gorath's high powered .50 caliber M82 bullet flies into the beats' eye for 150 damage, stopping the hipnotizmic glare.  Gunner falls to the ground, still concious*

Gunner: Uhhhh, my head...
Gorath: Don't look into it's eyes!

Viper = 550
Gunner = 221
Gorath = 232

*Viper bites Gorath - 80 damage*
*Gorath shoots it with M82 - 158 damage*
*Gunner shoots it's other eye out with M4 - 15 damage*

Viper: SCREEECH!!!
Gorath: It's blind! Let's finish it of!

*The Viper hurls gallons of acidic goo out onto the cave walls - 80 damage each*

Viper = 377
Gorath = 72
Gunner = 141

Gorath: Gahh!! Kill it, before it does that again!!

*Gorath uses potion, and takes cover behind shield*
*Gunner shoots M82 - 150*

Viper = 227
Gorath = 222
Gunner = 141

*Viper is out of goo, flails around with tail - miss*
*Gorath shoots Viper - 160 damage*
*Gunner shoots Viper - 158 damage*
*chunks of viper fly around the room and splatter on them*

Both: Sick!
Gorath: Let's get the slag outta here!!
Gunner: Agreed.

If it hurts, it means you're still alive
Gun Expert/Howling Wind Agent

3/7/2002 5:52:46 PM

Level: 7
Experience: 2188

Total Posts: 263
RE: Swamp Lands

*Gunner looks up*
Gunner: There! A hole in the ceiling!
Gorath: oooh.  Hey, Gunner, go towards the light!
Gunner: Uh.. How?
Gorath: Look at the wall.  See how rugged it is?  You could climb that.
Gunner: what do you mean I could climb that.  Why can't you do it?
Gorath: I'm too tired.
Gunner: And I'm tired of you complaining!
Gorath: But I don't want you to go!
Gunner: I'm going, and thats that. *just realizes what he said*
Gorath: Evil Grin
*Gunner climbs the cave wall and reaches the hole*
Gunner: *muttering* stupid reverse psychology...
*Gunner squeezes through the hole*
Gorath: Now, throw down some rope.
Gunner: How about not.  Just climb out.
Gorath: But I'm tired...
Gunner: I'm going back to Howling Wind HQ, see ya!
Gorath: Hey! Don't leave me here!
*Gorath scrambles up the wall and tries to squeze through the hole, but gets stuck*
Gorath: Gunner!  Help me!!!
Gunner: *Turns around*  HAHAHA!! *walks over and helps Gorath out of the hole*
Gorath: We have avenged the cows!
Gunner: *cough*psycho*cough*

*Gorath and Gunner walk off, in search of a place to take a shower*


I've got my (gun) sights set on you.
Howling Wind Agent
(Cause I put it here!)

Not Immortal
3/11/2002 8:38:26 PM

Level: 11
Experience: 7588

Total Posts: 266
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The Lands of Meeriad - RE: Swamp Lands

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